David Lehman has more than forty years of civil trial experience representing individual and business clients in a wide array of substantive disputes. His mediation experience spans almost twenty years and his portfolio of completed mediations now numbers more than four hundred cases. For a summary list of subject matters, click here.

Lehman Mediation Service

David E. Lehman

David Lehman's litigation experience spans four decades of serious engagement in civil disputes covering a wide array of legal issues.

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Philosophy & Process

Mediation is a dispute resolution process that offers an attractive alternative to adversarial litigation in many situations.

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Contact Lehman Mediation

For more information, or to schedule a mediation, contact Lehman Mediation at dave@lehmanmediation.com, or by calling 717-503-6779.

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Benefits of Mediation

Mediation provides the possibility of solving a dispute more quickly, more economically, and with less animosity than litigation might involve. It also removes the possibility of "losing" a decision by a judge or jury, since both sides must agree to the mediated agreement in order for it to take force. Settlement, not "victory," is the goal.

The governing rules are quite simple: confidentiality, courtesy, and candor. That setting, and the help of the neutral mediator, give the parties the best chance of finding an agreement.

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